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Content Upload approvals for collection editors and admin

Laura Higley avatar
Written by Laura Higley
Updated over 2 months ago

In this article you will find instructions on how to approve or decline content uploaded to Content Catalog as a Collection Admin or an ACC admin.

For any collection, users can be allowed to upload content by choosing the Upload content option when adding permissions to a group for a given collection. See collection permissions for more details. However, it’s important to note that if they aren’t an ACC or Collection admin, then the content will have to be approved by an admin before it is added. End users could also add content to Content Catalog (pending admin approval) by using Batch Export.

Upload Request

Once a user uploads to a collection that they don't have edit rights for, the item will show as pending on Upload Requests (the bullhorn icon on the left navigation). This content will not be found in search or browse until approved but any user that has view permission to the collection will be able to view the pending content on the request upload page but will not be able to insert or download.

When viewing Upload Requests be sure to adjust the filters and grouping at the top to ensure you can see what's pertinent to your task.

There are for example four status values:

  • Approved - Content has been automatically approved upon upload due to edit rights, or the content has been uploaded and then approved by an admin or collection editor.

  • Canceled - The content uploaded was canceled by the person who uploaded.

  • Declined - The content has been uploaded but has been declined when reviewed.

  • Pending - The content was uploaded by a person who does not have edit rights to a collection they submitted it to.

Review Content

the review process has many consderations but can often be specifc to a company and how they manage content. However, it is recommended to consider the following workflow.

  1. Ensure the appropriate collection(s) has been set. If an item does not meet standard for example and needs editing you may choose to add it to a development collection that is for admin only and leave the item pending until its complete at which time you can approve and remove it form the development collection and ensure its associated to proper collection(s).

  2. Ensure sufficient tags have been added. When content is added to content catalog tags can help users easily find content based on associated information. Check out Smart Tagging Strategies for more information.

  3. Review content details in Content Catalog. When you select the name of the content in the list you will be able to see detailed information like properties (Revit family types and parameters), file history for Content Catalog, and basic file information like file size. These are all good areas to confirm company standards that may be in place.

  4. Insert or open in family editor to review in detail. Inserting the content allows you to confirm it loads as expected and performs without lag. While opening in the family editor will allow you to confirm more detailed constraints and properties of the content.

To review the content uploaded you can do one of the following:

  • Select one or multiple items check box, then select the three vertical dots next to the selection to approve, decline, edit collections, edit tags, or delete.

  • Select the name of the item to be reviewed and see the details of that item with the same options as above plus the ability to Insert, download or open in family editor.

Note open in family editor is only available for families that are savable outside of Revit.

Approve / Decline Content Upload

Once you have reviewed the content you can approve or decline the content.

  • Approve will change the status to approved and make the content available to the collections that are chosen for it.

  • Decline will set the status to decline and allow the content to exist but only be visible by admin.

Note if you wish to remove content from content catalog you must use the Delete option.

At this time there is no notification system for content catalog to notify about any of these steps but is being considered for future release.

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