Content Catalog Channels are collections of content that are made publicly available by external publishers. These channels are collections of content that administrators can subscribe to, enabling their users to access the curated content within that channel.
Channels currently contain Revit Out Of The Box content, and we will continue to build on this in future releases.
Channel Management has a two step process for any channel, subscribe and edit access.
As an ACC Account Admin, Navigate to the Account Admin > Library > Content Catalog > Channels Tab, to enable any channels you would like to allow access to.
From the Collections Tab you can add user groups with permissions to manage access of each channel you subscribed to.
The use of user group access control allows you to use channels as a direct download or insert for your users. Alternatively, you can allow read only access and have them suggest content that an admin can review, update to company standards and make available in your content collections.
For best performance, it is recommended that users log out and log back in when newly subscribing to Channel content so that the content can be sufficiently cached for quick access.